All Roads Start at The Manor

I meant to sit down over the holidays and recap our year at The Manor, but life just got in the way; between the end year guests in all the properties, building a new spec home, and working with our private clients time ran away.  

As I write this blog, I am actually en route to FL to see the progress on a renovation I am working on with a dear friend/client who I met when she choose our house for her daughter’s wedding.

They were our very first wedding guests in June 2021. Two house renovations, a son’s engagement party, and friend reunion later, I am very aware that this magical house takes care of me as much as I take care of her. 

Being able to share The Manor with all of her guests has been a gift, hard work, but nonetheless a gift that we appreciate.  

As I have told the story of the house before, she was built in the late 1800’s as an inn and then home to two other families that had such love and vision for her.  Under their stewardship, the house grew and became this home where their families gathered and memories were made. 

This last year when we were decorating for our Christmas guests, I found a picture on George Anderson’s desk in the library from 1937.  As the library and its amazing collection of books seems to be a guest favorite, I am assuming someone found it and left for me. It is another example of an unexpected gift from the house…not only does it show the evolution of house, but it also lets me connect with one of The Ladies who lived there once upon a time. 

We are so proud to be the next custodians of this insanely special property and am so proud of all of us involved in making her come alive again and as I have said before it’s been a village of people. Grateful for everyone. 

As we approach our summer season 2024, I am so excited to share that we are pretty much booked and evenly split with recurring guests and new families wanting to spend a week perched high above the CHQ Lake and The Institution making their family memories! Thank you for sharing your vacations and/or weddings with us; it’s a privilege.  Looking forward to welcoming you all!